by Commercial LED Lighting | Aug 4, 2016 | Commercial LED Lighting
Becoming increasingly popular and with proven cost savings to both domestic and commercial customers, LED lighting solutions are fast becoming the preferred lighting alternative to traditional lighting and a great way to save your business money. Offering directional...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Jul 15, 2016 | Commercial LED Lighting
The benefits of LED Lighting in the industrial sector are multiple. Providing affordable LED lighting solutions to the industrial sector, Commercial LED lighting advises on cost effect solutions, guaranteeing to save costs and improve the working environment. As a...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Jun 18, 2016 | Commercial LED Lighting
Many people – in life and in business – don’t like change. If something has worked well for years, then why change it? But this attitude can mean that you miss out on opportunities to make savings or enhance the business, and this can even be true with such things as...
by Commercial LED Lighting | May 29, 2016 | Industrial LED Lighting
Industrial LED bulbs can have many advantages for businesses, from increased productivity to cutting costs, reducing carbon footprint and even improving health and safety. With many businesses looking to implement savings wherever they can, managers will often look to...
by Commercial LED Lighting | Apr 15, 2016 | Uncategorized
Installing LED lighting can save your business money whatever your organisation – it also helps with the environment, making energy saving sense as well. When Essex County Council converted some 19,000 all-night streetlights to LED, the authority invested £9.2 million...