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Many people – in life and in business – don’t like change. If something has worked well for years, then why change it? But this attitude can mean that you miss out on opportunities to make savings or enhance the business, and this can even be true with such things as lighting. Commercial LED lighting solutions may not be something owners think about, but they really should.

Commercial LED lighting solutions – Commercial LED Lighting

Incandescent or florescent bulbs have been lighting the offices and factories of the UK for many years. And, for many business owners and managers, it does a good enough job. Let’s face it, it isn’t something many people think about – lighting is lighting, isn’t it?

It isn’t. If managers do look at how their business premises are lit and the options that are available to them, they could find they can save money and improve their workforce’s productivity if they were to change from incandescent or fluorescent lighting to LEDs.

LED – which stands for light emitting diode – lighting is becoming an increasingly popular solution in commercial premises. While the initial cost of buying LED lighting may be higher than incandescent or fluorescent, in the longer-term it becomes more cost efficient as the bulbs last much longer – more than 50,000 hours – are more energy efficient and have fewer maintenance costs.

But it isn’t just about reducing costs. Research has shown that commercial LED lighting solutions can also have benefits for employees’ health, wellbeing and productivity. LED lighting is clearer and crisper than more traditional forms, which means that employees’ eyes do not have to work as hard to see properly and, in turn, this cuts down on problems such as eye strain and headaches. As a result, productivity is likely to increase, as employees’ wellbeing is enhanced.

The prospect of lower costs and increased productivity really makes LED lighting a ‘no brainer’ for business owners.

Here at Commercial LED Lighting, we can design and install commercial LED lighting solutions that are bespoke to our clients’ needs, whether that is retro-fitting an existing system or designing a completely new one. Our products are UK manufactured and CE regulated.

So, if that has lit a lightbulb above your head and you want to know more about Commercial LED Lighting’s solutions for business premises, visit our website or call our friendly staff on 0800 040 8700.