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Acuity launches tunable LED products for schools and offices at LFI

The Rubik SSL luminaire family enables geometrically-compelling tunable LED lighting designs to be integrated into the commercial built environment, while new Mainstream Dynamic technology enables teachers to have access to lighting that can optimize students’...

LED datasheet standard enhances manufacturer-developer communications (MAGAZINE)

An ANSI-accredited standards group within NEMA is publishing a standard describing the parameters and characterizations required on LED datasheets, reports Jianzhong Jiao, and the result will allow developers to more easily contrast and compare LEDs from multiple...

Popping the charts: Strategies Unlimited unveils SSL market data (MAGAZINE)

Market research presentations in the Plenary sessions at Strategies in Light projected growth segments in the lighting and packaged LED sectors, and chronicled the challenges being posed by price erosion, reports Maury Wright. The original version of this article can...

Survivor SSL: Winners must endure commoditization and deliver new value (MAGAZINE)

Conference speakers largely agreed that the race to the bottom price-wise is inevitable in LEDs and lighting, reports Maury Wright, but ideas for new value-added applications and services that can deliver prosperity to the SSL sector abound. The original version of...

Need light? Try an IT company, like Mobile's school district did (MAGAZINE)

Power over Ethernet (PoE) and the IoT mark lighting’s second revolution in a decade. LEDs were just a warm-up. But pioneers should be wary of arrows in the back, cautions Mark Halper. The original version of this article can be found...

Packaged LED architectures advance across types and applications

Today, packaged LED manufacturers offer products specific to most every application you can imagine, and you can choose from high-power, COB, mid-power, CSP, and other options. We have advancements in white and color components, and for that matter in UV and IR...